Many homeowners find the new year a prompt for making some improvements, particularly when it comes to updating kitchens. If it’s been a while since you’ve been appliance shopping, you may be surprised at the innovation and styles of new appliance designs. 2019 is set to offer some hot trends that will take kitchens by storm, so before you start shopping, here are some new trends that are worth serious consideration.

Black Stainless Steel

Stainless steel has been around for years, acting as a mainstay in kitchens, but some appliance shoppers find the look uninviting and cold. So, if you want to move away from this shiny metal, you are sure to be interested in the bold and warm look of black stainless steel. Black stainless steel has started to become offered by appliance manufacturers, and this trend is likely to pick up greater momentum in 2019. This stunning finish works well with many kitchen styles, adding sophistication and glamour to the aesthetic. So, if you want to update your kitchen appliances, start building a gorgeous black stainless steel collection to complement your kitchen decor.

Smart Appliances

Smart technology is becoming a vital component in many areas of the home, and the kitchen is no exception. Almost every major appliance brand today offers at least one smart model and this number is expected to grow in 2019 and beyond. Smart appliances allow you to control your settings from anywhere in your home using Google Home or Amazon Alexa, or even using your smartphone outside the home. Smart appliances are designed to make cleanup, mealtime and your everyday living simpler and more manageable while boosting energy efficiency.

Under Counter Appliances

Appliance trends and home design ideas are often very closely connected. This principle is exemplified by the 2019 trend of under counter appliances. One of the most significant 2019 kitchen design trends was minimizing or possibly eliminating upper cabinets, and appliances are adapting to match this trend.

Under counter appliances such as refrigerators can be placed under an island countertop or be built in to create a sleek and sophisticated look.

Alternate Opening Ovens

The bottom hinge oven door is more than over in 2019. So, rather than bending over to reach into your oven, while worrying about the door swinging shut on your fingers, you can opt for a reimagined oven. Several brands have evolved traditional wall oven designs to make them easier to use. GE French door ovens and Bosch’s side opening models are center stage of this trend for very good reason. These oven designs are far easier to use, particularly for people with coordination problems or accessibility issues, but they also look sophisticated and sleek. It is anticipated in 2019 that more brands will release alternative opening designs for home use and it is sure to be a major trend.

Column Refrigerators

2019 is about custom kitchens, and column refrigerators are a great way to create a kitchen just the way you want it. Column appliances allow you to mix and match your fridge and freezer configuration. You can have additional fridge space when needed and design your appliances to seamlessly blend with your cabinetry. Column refrigerators are also available with the latest technology such as temperature zones, odor seals and much more. This technology is likely to continue to get even better this year, so look out for the latest models and designs.

If you’re considering upgrading your appliances for a fresh, new look in your kitchen, you can explore the options with this online collection, or speak to a home appliance specialist for further help and guidance.